The problem of the pomegranate

Firstly, sorry for the long time between posts.  We are a clergy family, so passiontide and Easter are particularly busy for us, which means progress on poor old birdy has been rather slow.  By the time Easter day came around, our whole family was exhausted.  Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (my disability) is painful and exhausting at …

Pouncing on Birdy, and the arrival of the Serendipitous Butterfly

Post written 27th march – sorry, I wrote it but got behind! My trip to Hampton court last week saw me packed up as if I was planning to move in.  Slate frames are not small!  Fortunately, I had been given a giant plastic bag for it, which also contained my A3 portfolio with my …

Getting started with ‘Jacobean Birdy’ – design, colour choice and framing up

On 6th March I had my first day at the RSN, kicking off for my first module in the Certificate.  You will remember that the first module is Jacobean Crewel Work, something I haven’t really done before.  The first day of the course is given over to design work, framing up, and colour selection.  I …

A big needle book… does anyone else want one of these?

I enjoy feathering my nest with nifty gadgets and things that manage to be at once pretty and useful.  I especially like to make my own accessories like scissor keeps and velvet boards, and of course the bobbins I showed you yesterday.  Like many enthusiasts, I have an impressive stash of different kinds of scissors, …

Crewel wool bobbins – and toilet paper!

My first dabbling in crewel embroidery, the Nicola Jarvis Robin kit, has introduced me to the wonderful world of Appletons wool.  It is made in the UK from Yorkshire sheep – the company dates back 178 years, and still sells some of the same shades that were used by William Morris in his tapestries.  Crewel wool is …

RSN fire regulations… and bagging a bargain

Hobbycraft selling anchor stranded cotton for next to nothing I have had a fair few emails back and forth to the RSN this week, but before I get in to that, I just have to tell you about Thursday’s trip to Hobbycraft.  Then, when you have read that bit, you can all get up, dash …

Immersing myself in Jacobean crewel work

I have made a start on my research for the first module of my RSN certificate.  The topic for this module is Jacobean crewel work – not something I have done a lot of, except for the little robin sampler that is my current “work in progress” As you can see, that is not a …

The Royal School of Needlework – and me!

Something rather exciting happened this week.  On Thursday, I went to Hampton Court Palace. Not to go and see this wonderful, grand and historic playground of King Henry VIII, but for something entirely different.  You see, tucked away in an upstairs apartment off the Fountain Court resides the headquarters of the Royal School of Needlework. …